Marnys Propolmar Echinacea Syrup 125 ml - delivered by and Supplied by Pharmazone Pharmacy - 2 hours


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Marnys Propolmar Echinacea Syrup 125 ml - delivered by and Supplied by Pharmazone Pharmacy - 2 hours
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Marnys Propolmar Echinacea Syrup 125 ml

- Marnys propolmar syrup derived from propolis with honey, Echinacea purpurea juice concentrate, Royal jelly, vitamin C, zinc and menthol.

- Vitamin C and zinc help maintain a normal immune system. In greek pro-Means "Defense"And -Polis means "City".

- Propolis is a resin made by bees to protect their hive from disease by sealing the walls and cells.

- One of the food items with the highest source of flavonoids,Like galangin,Its most effective active ingredient.

- Marnysguarantees 10%Minimum galangin content.

- Echinacea is one of the most studied plants in the field of phytotherapy.

- Royal jelly is the only food source that the queen bee receives throughout her lifetime.

- Brand: Marnys 

- Size: 125 ml 

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