Tynor Knee Cap Comfeel(Pair) - D23 L - delivered by and Supplied by Pharmazone Pharmacy - 2 hours


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Tynor Knee Cap Comfeel(Pair) - D23 L - delivered by and Supplied by Pharmazone Pharmacy - 2 hours
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Tynor Knee Cap Comfeel(Pair) - D23 L

- Provides effective support and compression to knee by use of four way stretchable tubular fabric.

- Anatomically shape with reduced compression spot ensures no patellar pressure.

- Bi layered construction to provide effective performance and enchanced comfort in all weather conditions.

- Thick construction retains body heat and provides therapeutic warmth.

- Easy to use, washable, dermophilic(no rash/allergy), color fastness, comfortable, long functional life and durable.

- Brand: Tynor

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